CES® Certification CouncilThe Federation of Exchange Accommodators, Inc. (FEA) has established a Certification Council comprised of a panel of 16 experts that represent the geographic, size and type of the FEA membership. The Council developed the eligibility requirements and examination materials. The panel defined the body of knowledge from IRC §1031 rules and regulations and determined the content areas appropriate for the examination. The content of the examination is based on this body of knowledge. The examination questions are written by exchange specialists and reviewed by a panel of experts prior to being selected for the examination. After the examination, the questions are analyzed statistically to identify any hidden flaws. Questions that appear to be flawed are discussed by the Certification Council to determine if they should be deleted from scoring entirely or if credit should be given for more than one answer. The Council members serve one-year terms that begin in late September or early October. There is no limit on the number of terms a Council member may serve however; there are participation levels that must be met in order to serve. Full and active participation is defined as follows: Timely completion of all assignments given by the Executive Director of the FEA, the Council co-chairs or a committee leader;
The average time commitment per week is approximately three (3) to five (5) hours. All Council members are required to sign two (2) agreements which generally provide:
A Certification Council member may not use their position on the Council to market themselves or their company to potential clients or referral sources as being a better choice to provide exchange expertise Eligibility to Serve on Certification CouncilTo serve on the Council, you must be a CES® Designee in good standing, currently and for a minimum of the preceding two years, and have a cumulative of five full-time years of experience facilitating exchanges. Once the number of vacancies is determined for each term, all CES® Designees will be notified and provided with the opportunity to apply Become a CES® Certification Council MemberAs the end of a one-year term of a Council member nears, the Chair of the Council Recruitment Committee determines how many, if any, vacancies exist for the next term. If vacancies exist, the Committee Chair will forward a letter and application to all CES® Designees for their consideration. Anyone who is interested, satisfies the eligibility criteria and meets the time requirements is encouraged to apply. Once all of the applications are received, the Committee Chair will arrange a conference call with each applicant as well as the all members of the Council Recruitment Committee. This gives the Committee members the opportunity to speak with each applicant, answer all of the applicant's questions and determine which applicant is most qualified and committed to serve on the Council. The Committee Chair will contact each applicant telephonically to advise the applicant of the Committee's decision. |